4 Oct 2010

Film: Endhiran

{Start Review} DOT

Dot? Already? You must be wondering as to what happened to the review content. Yuen Woo Ping has done the stunts, Stan-Winston studios have done the visual effects, editing by Antony Gonsalves, & then you have uninspiring music by A.R.Rehman teamed with Resul, oops I forgot the Hollywood famed Bachan bahu, just there to kiss & not act.

Wait a minute, the whole hype is that it’s a Rajni starer. But where & what has rajni done in the movie. I would say nothing, his entry is sober, & did not get any whisles or shilpis. He adds feeling to the machine (I wonder how) & which then talks with the mosquitoes, helps heroine do malpractice?

For the first half, you can sit back and perhaps even enjoy, if I can claim that, since the script is working – in the sense things are happening. Then there is robo raising from garbage like phoenix, Danny who creates red raged Chitti but does not use him for his work but gets killed in a horrible way, Chitti laughing “he ha he ha he ha”, Aish dancing like a peacock in Machu Picchu, some kidnapping by the robot, then terrible chase scene by the police who refuse to live, robot building his own empire but not creating a “robo-sapiens” (I was so depressed I say) and then anaconda Rajni-robo, Rajni-Robo on wheels and all that shapes that ever exist. Oh how could I forget the judicial verdict, it was so simple I tell you, I mean after watching that I wondered why Ayodhya verdict took 60 years.

Finally you may say that it’s a Rajni movie hence it needs no logic. But they also said that it’s a sci-fi but then why would a Rajni fan go to watch a sci-fi movie with him on it? I have no clue; you can watch it & let me know.

END(thiran) DOT

