25 Mar 2011

Changed Churdars

Mom says dad these days is hooked to computer + internet like how we I was 10 years back. I know, a typical case of generation gap.

• He checks his mailbox before going to bed & as soon as he wakes up.

• Not just that, he even sends mail to his reportees about issues related to Signal Light not working, Road signs not painted and some constable not on duty at exact 9am.

• He plans to stop all the papers that appear at the doorstep. Read the E-paper, he has instructed mom and sis.

• He has announced in his department, that no one should write a leave letter and waste paper. Instead send an email to him & he will approve/reject by replying to that mail.

• He has been uploading pics to Gtalk on a daily basis, one with side pose, the other side pose, front pose and what not. He is trying on the new skill that is scan-crop-upload.

• He plans to have an hour of “Chat with ACP” soon where in people could tell him which cop asked *ahem* to let them go without paying the fine, how the parking woes can be solved so on & so forth.

After all these developments I have come to an conclusion that, henceforth, the family will not be called “The Churdars” but “The Internauters” (word courtesy: BaLu)

P.S: Did someone forget the count? 4 days to go. & the best gift would be Indian haraoing the all-time-losers-at-heart Pak that day. I wouldn’t want anything else; except for DELL 14R Tomato RED laptop that is already home from Pati.

