30 May 2012

Crazy wish from Crazy Fan

3 important things I learnt from Ravimama

1.    I learnt about Puberty from Ramachari. If not completely I realized that a similar function happened at my place for my elder sister which when asked what, I was asked to shut up. Curiosity led to way too many questions & bingo at the age of 6, I knew the concept. Al though I always wondered why at my elder sister’s function no guy sang.

2.    I learnt about Shobana from Anjada Gandu. Not just that movie but most of his movies always ended with first night scene. The flowers, the talks, the “chi hogi” dialogues from heroines, usually same but still used to make me ROFL. I guess every viewer made sure they saw “The End” & then left the theatre if it were a Ravimama movie. Oh also, every first night popped up a baby (almost in secs)

3.    I learnt about Condoms from Annayya. My first step towards learning about family planning. I cherish watching that movie with my mama, asking him what did heroine’s ajji gave, mama saying “shhhh” & secretly discussing that with my mom. I thought both sister & brother did not know about that hence were doing naatka, so asked ajji directly. She called her favorite lord “Raghavendra”, and then collapsed.

I am sure there are many boys who secretly watch his songs, movies, orgasm over heroine’s belly, boobs, etc etc but yet talk like they never relished what was being served to them. Ravimama got all the actresses up north to Sandalwood, made sure they worked hard for their money & all you lucky fellows got to see the shows at the cost of Kannada movie ticket which otherwise you should have paid lot for Hindi movies. Plus who knows if the directors up there were as creative, as romantic (I’d call rasika), as naughty (I’d say poli) as our lovely Ravimama.

Here is a crazy wish coming your way, dear crazy star & namellara Ravimama. 100 years poli-thana for you!!


ಗುರುರಾಜ said...

Wonderfully written.. ravi maama odidre kushi paTTiroru.. perfect wish for crazy star by a crazy fan.. !!!

Subrahmanya said...

Well, i could not resist ROFLness after hearing your ajji's raghavendra incident! Written nicely!

KGBoss said...

Awesome Stuff.....wow....Recently started reading your blogs......They are real good......Someday should have a cup of Coffee with you.....

NimmaNaveena said...

Super Mam !!! commenting to the old Blog !! Awesome facts!!
