22 Jul 2020

Tiny Tots? Who?

Note: All characters are real, aged 6-7years and are street-smart. 

“Thatha the audio is ON don’t call me “Putta:; my friends are listening” 

“How do we turn it Off, nange gothagthilla Putta” 


“Alla kaNo, it’s 1:30PM and you ma’am hasn’t come; avrige time sense illa”

“Riiiii audio ON ide, check it please” 


“Maam I want to say something” 

“Yes (insert a kid’s name)”

“Can I adjust this chair, I can’t reach the laptop” 

“Yes you can my dear”


“Hi ma’am I want to talk to you”


“You are very nice”

**all kids alert**

“You are very nice”

“Your dress is very pretty”

“You are very beautiful” 

Maam can’t stop smiling! 


“Someone Galaxy Tab One kindly change it to Child’s name” 

But it remained same for the rest of the class. 


“Children, next class you all have to wear a dress of your favourite colour”

“Maam that time I said my favourite colour is green; my mumma asked me to change it to Blue; so I will wear that only” 


“Hi Bhavani what are you doing”

“Nothing I am watching you in this laptop”




It's been attending online classes that Kanva and Kshema are part of. I now know the kind of nautankis these kids are! They are meeting the class teacher for the first time and all of them, trust me all the 15 of them including my boy said and I quote "My favourite teacher is **xyz** ma'am"; I went whoa!!!

So I asked Kanva why she was his favourite teacher and he says "Everyone told she was their favourite and if I change that poor ma'am will feel bad" - Damn validations! 

The issue Kshema has is that she follows "mute" always and "unmute" when talking policy as instructed my her teacher; but all her friends keep going "yes ma'am" "no ma'am". 

I am back to being a child again; I tried the right-hand/left-hand salute/thumbs up game along with the kids and lost badly! How is lockdown treating'll?

